Understanding Your Needs

Once you have contacted us using our form, we'll arrange a call to discuss your needs. We will also - under NDA - conduct a brief 'tyre kicking' exercise on your application by looking at the PHP code and hosting server set-up.

We'll document our recommendations to provide an outline of the work involved as well as a fee estimate and an indication of when we would have the capacity to commence work.

Once terms are agreed we'll ask you to sign a letter of engagement. We're now ready to onboard you 🚀


This is a process we go through with all new clients. It's a win-win. We get up to speed with your code and systems whilst delivering back value with a detailed security report and any urgent issues fixed.

The main deliverable is to make your application portable so it can be worked on by a team of developers (not just us). As we go we’ll also produce a code audit and security vulnerability report and, if required, schedule any urgent maintenance tasks like upgrade php on your server.

There is a one-off fee for this service with prices starting from £3,500, dependant on the amount of up-front work required.

Ongoing development

A Senior PHP Developer will be your day to day contact, and they will be part of a team of at least two developers working on your application.

Our teams work in minimum blocks of half a day (3.5 hours).

You can assign and oversee progress on your tasks via our project management tool.

You will be informed at the start of each month when your time is scheduled.

You will always be informed in advance if we anticipate going under/over the allocation.

All work is checked by at least one other developer before any deployments occur.